Sunday, December 17, 2006

Further Action

Dt: 18th December 2006,

Hello everybody

All the meetings with the school are over.

In short we have been briefed as under

1) The application for the NOC with the education department has already been made and the NOC is expected by Feb 07.

2) Once they receive the NOC they would be applying for ICSE and the same is expected post Diwali 2007.

3) If by any chance they do not get thru ICSE then they would offer us IGCSE.

4) They have agreed to show us the copy of the application made to the education department for the NOC. But only to a few representatives of the parents.

Now we need to decide our further course of action.

How seriously should we take them looking at their past record as far as committment are concerned.

Secondly, should we give them a last chance this time. And even if we give them this chance we need to make it sure that we always are on their head to get things done at the earliest.

For this to be zeroed on, we need to do the following,

1) Again have a parents meet amongst ourself at the earliest.

2) Have a consenus amongst ourselves.

3) Decide our course of action.

4) Elect the core group in a democratic manner.

5) Empower the core group to represent all the other parents

6) This core group to consist of parents for various fields of proffession, so that we have expertise amongst us.

7) This core group to meet with the management of the school on a regular basis, say monthly, and would follow up the above issues and try to get the things done at the earliest.

8) We all should have a meet atleast once in a month amongst ourselves, where all the parents would be briefed about the development and further action would be chalked out.

Very soon we will convey you the date, venue and time of our next meeting.

Our request to all the respected parents to attend the said meeting without fail.



Indian said...

Yes we have to stand united for betterment of our kids future.

Unknown said...

We have to work...period. But we have to work WITH the school authorities. Also all the CRs should see that there are more parents attending this meeting than last time. This will expediate all matters mentioned above.