Thursday, February 1, 2007


Hello parents

Congratulations to all of you. The good news is that our school has finally received the required NOC registration from the state education department.

The registration number is NOC 2006/(91/2006) SE -1.

The same has been displayed on the notice board of the school and any parent wants to see the same has the liberty to do so by going to the school and having a look at the same.

Keep it up.

What remains is the ICSE now and we hope we will receive the same in due course of time.

Jai Hind


Monday, January 15, 2007

Second Meeting

Hello Parents,

This is to inform you all that we have organised the second meeting of all the parents on Friday 19th January 2007, at 6.00 pm at Manjershi Joshi Hall, Five Gardens. This is the same venue of the last meeting.

We request all the parents to attend the meeting without fail. Your presence will boost others to follow.

Jai Hind


Monday, January 1, 2007


Dear Parents,

Wish you all a very Happy and a Prosperous New Year ahead.

We wish, all our efforts are paved off and we all achieve what we are striving for.

Let us get back on the same platform and unite for the common cause. Holidays are over.....

Jai Hind